Southern Shan Community Consultation Trip

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MBE just finished last week (January 30th to February 6th 2015) a community consultation trip to Southern Shan State.

A very productive trip that should become a new milestone for MBE, starting programs around the country outside of our starting geographic points of Yangon and Delta areas.

Two different programs have been identified in partnership with local organizations:

1) A microfinance and livelihood program in partnership with Shwe Inn Thu, working in North East Inle lake region to empower women and foster revenue generation and better living conditions for farmers and villagers in the area.

2) A responsible business promotion program in collaboration with Partnership for Change ( and Inle Speaks Center ( This program will aim at helping businesses who are willing to work sustainably and have positive impacts on Southern Shan state’s environment and communities. MBE in collaboration with Inle Speaks will offer on going free consultation, training and low interest loan to help these great initiatives foster and raise awareness on the power of responsible business practices.

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